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Soul Inspired Gurl

Apr 26, 2022

When she’s not reaping the benefits of restful sleep, Samantha Gladish is one purposeful woman. Samantha is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Hormone Fixer-Upper and author of the Amazon bestseller, The 30-Day Hormone Solution. She is also the host of one of Canada’s top-rated podcasts, The Wellness Witch Podcast....

Apr 19, 2022

Dr. Laura starts the show by talking about the profound experience psychedelics and plant-based medicine have had on her life. She then welcomes facilitator and guide Reanna Costa to the episode. Reanna talks about her path to becoming a “midwife” in all senses of the word, where she helps people birth whatever...

Apr 12, 2022

Dr. Laura explores the topic of deep disappointment in this solo episode. She pulls from a recent experience in life that brought up shame and sadness which led her to moments of questioning her own worthiness. Maybe you can relate? She offers this story as a way to share her journey around disappointment and how she...

Apr 4, 2022

Chanti Zak is the creator of the Empathy Marketing Ecosystem, co-host of The Entrepreneur’s Ecosystem Podcast and a quiz funnel strategist and coach that is obsessed with getting brag-worthy results for her students and clients. Chanti joins the podcast to talk with Laura about authenticity, the framework for how she...