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Soul Inspired Gurl

Nov 29, 2023

Hey beautiful souls,

This episode is a fascinating discussion with Kendra Toothill -- We talk all about SCARS.


And before you press 'skip' and move on because you can't imagine what scars has to do with the quality of your present day life ... pull a chair up. Turns out that the scars we carry (visible and invisible)...

Nov 9, 2023

Hi beautiful human! I'm really grateful to be welcoming Shirlee Williams back to the podcast.


This is a co-creative episode arising from our collective experience of ENOUGHNESS.


Simply put, this is an episode about ENOUGH. The concept of enoughness in all it’s derivations. 


AND I’m really inspired to be...

Oct 12, 2023

Hey ... look at you go Laura. Two solo episodes in one month!


Today I'm sharing what happened to me when I broke my arm earlier this year. On the surface it was evident the bone needed to heal, but what came through as that bone healing happened,  was the opportunity to go deeper into what the IMPACT of that injury...

Oct 5, 2023

This episode is the cosmic reminder of the power of grace, vulnerability and doing what's aligned with your values and ethics.


My guest this week is Kristen Nagle -- a woman my family celebrated a lot over the last few years. What an honour to have her on the podcast.


Kristen is a former NICU nurse of 14 years...

Sep 28, 2023

I've been eagerly waiting to have this conversation about the power of homeopathy to heal, expand, restore and upgrade health and life expression.


Today I have Jen Bishop on the podcast. 


Jen is an Intuitive Healer who is trained in Homeopathy and Reiki - and a graduate of the Canadian College of...