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Soul Inspired Gurl

Oct 18, 2022

This week’s episode is with Certified Gene Keys Guide Sarah Shepherd. Sarah is the Founder and CEO of KarmaWell Health and is a Registered Massage Therapist in Vernon, BC, Canada.Personally I have limited knowledge of Gene Keys, but trust me when I say – when it drops into your life, you’re going to want to know...

Oct 11, 2022

Today I am talking to Meaghan Alton, a Master Numerologist, Economist, Business Coach to Professional Intuitives and Healers, and a Professional Intuitive.

In this conversation, we dive deep into Numerology. Meaghan describes numerology as using the language of numbers to interpret energy. It’s all about the energy of...

Oct 4, 2022

This week, I feel called to do a solo episode about the experience of knowing that life has changed you - in a myriad of big and small ways - and your life no longer flows like it once did.

It either feels sticky (a version of stuck) or it feels off-kilter, uninspiring and stale.

This very feeling prompted me to do my...