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Soul Inspired Gurl

Jul 26, 2022

My guest today is Sarah Swain and I’m pretty sure I called in this conversation on every level in the quantum field. I really wanted to have a conversation with her. Sarah is the woman, the Founder + CEO, the force and the heart behind the companies and the IG presence of ‘I AM Sarah Swain’, Trailblazer Media...

Jul 19, 2022

Sue McCreadie, MD (aka Dr. Sue), is a Pediatric Physician and Breakthrough Coach for Women. For over two decades she has helped thousands achieve vibrant health as a wellness expert, but what most people don’t realize is that she struggled with her own health, especially as a mama. Dr. Sue talks about how it took...

Jul 12, 2022

In this solo episode, Dr. Laura shares her personal experience of what her journey of  awakening has been like over the past couple of years. She drops right into the truth of her experience - the ‘awakening’ to the illusions of the world and to the truth of her life. Also, the awakening to what’s possible,...

Jul 5, 2022

Shannon is a multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur who wears many titles: photographer. business mentor. brand influencer - to name a few. From my observation, she is a creative wizard with a strong sense of owning her life. And from what I observed and heard her talk about, this “owning” came from a multitude of...